Published December 23, 2024
Categories: HVAC system
Furnace Heat Exchanger

Everyone enjoys the warmth of furnace heat in winter but do you know the working phenomenon behind it? The behind-the-scenes working furnace heat exchanger helps the furnace conduct its main function by transforming the combustion energy into heat. Apart from just the energy transformation, this HVAC system also saves your family from harmful gases like carbon monoxide.

To get into the details of how it works and what are the heat exchanger problems, let’s start with a very basic:

What is a Heat Exchanger in a Furnace?

The heat exchanger in your furnace is like a helper. It takes the heat from burning gas or oil to warm up the air in your home. It’s like a metal bridge that moves heat but keeps the gas from the air you breathe. That’s why furnace tune-up and HVAC maintenance are important to keep it working safely

It works as an exchanger and saves your home from poisonous gases by pushing them out through the vents.

How does a Heat Exchanger work?

Furnace heat exchangers make sure that the warm air circulates safely throughout your home, It does this by following following four main steps:

Combustion Process

In the combustion process, the fuel like oil or gas gets burned and the combustion heat is then transferred towards the heat exchanger. 

Heat Transfer

The health exchanger then exchanges the combustion heat with the indoor cool air and ensures only warmth escapes while restricting the harmful gases from passing.

Air Circulation

A blower fan pushes cooler air from the house over the heat exchanger, where it absorbs the heat.

Safe Exhaust

After the separation of gases like carbon monoxide from the heat, the warmth is spread throughout the space with the help of fans.

Furnace Heat Exchanger Maintenance

Proper and regular maintenance of a heat exchanger is of great importance as it ensures that there is no leak or crack in your heat exchanger and none of the harmful gas is escaping into the environment.

The furnace heat exchanger maintenance includes the following activities to be done by an HVAC technician.

Furnace Cleaning

Furnace cleaning includes cleaning the dust and debris accumulated which can cause the furnace to work harder and overheat. 

Checking for Warning Signs

Be alert for unusual noises, burning smells, or discoloration of furnace walls. They might be because of the fiction, improper combustion, or crack.

Check for Proper Ventilation

Ensure that your furnace’s flue and venting system are clear of obstructions because poor venting can trap combustion gases and cause stress on the heat exchanger.

Replace Aging Components

Ideally, after the heating installation heat exchangers work well for 10-20 years, and after this time, they begin to wear. If your heat exchanger is nearing the end of its lifespan, consider changing it.

Suggested Read: Heating Installation Services

Signs of a Cracked Furnace Heat Exchanger

There are various signs that can help you identify whether your heat exchanger is working fine or has been cracked. Some of these signs of HVAC problem are as under:

  1. Unusual Furnace odor: Burning or metallic odors can greatly help you that something is wrong with the heat exchanger of your furnace.
  2. Increased Electricity Bills: If there is a rupture in the heat exchanger and it forcefully tries to maintain the desired temperature, then uses more electricity.
  3. Soot Build-Up: Excessive soot or black deposits on the heat exchanger or near the burners can be a sign of incomplete combustion caused by a crack.
  4. Yellow or Flickering Burner Flame: Normally the furnace flame is blue but if it has turned yellow then it means there is improper combustion.
  5. Strange Noises: As the metal contracts and expands during the heating, If it has been cracked, it will make strange noises.
  6. Increased Carbon Monoxide Levels: A cracked heat exchanger can cause carbon monoxide to escape into the environment which can cause various health issues.

In any of the above cases, you will need to call an HVAC services provider urgently for the maintenance of the furnace problems to prevent further loss. 

Dangers of a Cracked Heat Exchanger

The following are some dangers of a cracked furnace heat exchanger which happens as a result of ignorance to breakage:

  • Serious health issues like headache, chest pain, dizziness, etc can occur due to the combustion gases.
  • The cracked heat exchanger leads to improper combustion which causes overheating and increases the risk of fire hazard.
  • The byproducts of combustion escaping from the cracked heat exchanger can cause corrosion to nearby components.
  • Modern furnaces have safety systems designed to detect issues like overheating or poor combustion. If these systems fail, a cracked heat exchanger can go unnoticed.

What to Do If You Suspect a Crack

If you suspect any sign of a crack in your heat exchanger then take the following steps as an immediate response as it can also lead to permanent wear or costly repair.

  • Turn Off the Furnace
  • Contact a Professional
  • Replace the Heat Exchanger or Furnace

Remember that ignoring the crack in the heat exchanger can also cause serious health issues if you inhale carbon monoxide.


In short, a cracked furnace heat exchanger is dangerous because it can leak harmful gases like carbon monoxide into your home, putting your health and safety at risk. This can cause serious issues like headaches, dizziness, chest pain, and even life-threatening conditions if left unchecked. If you notice unusual odors, high electricity bills, soot build-up, strange noises, or a yellow flame, turn off your furnace and call a professional immediately to avoid further risks. At High Comfort, you can avail everything from furnace installation to regular maintenance at a very reasonable price which will help prevent these kinds of problems with your furnace.


How do you detect a heat exchanger problem in your furnace?

Unusual odors, a yellow flame, strange noises, and soot build-up are common symptoms.

What is the price for a heat exchanger replacement?

The cost typically ranges from $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the furnace type.

Can a cracked furnace heat exchanger release carbon monoxide?

Yes, a crack can allow carbon monoxide to escape into your home, posing serious health risks.

Is there a furnace heat exchanger diagram to help understand its parts?

Yes, diagrams are available online and in user manuals for better visualization.

Are all gas heat exchanger cracks dangerous?

Yes, even small cracks can lead to harmful gas leaks and should be addressed immediately.

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